Miss you more than words can say, I have comfort in knowing the you and Dad are back together dancing in that beautiful garden, hopefully with a gin and tonic in your hand.!!You were my inspiration and if I can leave half the legacy you have left I will be e trembly proud RIP my beautiful Angel ❤️❤️Xx
14th January 2021
I miss you everyday Nanna. I listen to certain songs and I know that your up in heaven in that beautiful garden with Grandad dancing every time I play them. You have left an empty feeling in my heart. I will always have amazing memories of you especially when I lived on the same street as you. Love you forever!! Xxxxxxxxxxxxx
6th January 2021
We miss you more than words can say, our home is no longer a home without you here, it is so quiet and empty but our hearts with always be full with the love and memories you gave us. Love you forever and always mum from lisa and chris xxx
6th January 2021